Simple pricing suited for all sellers

Select number of listings
0 - 250 Listings
per shopper month
Get startedOne week free trial
  • Create & Publish
  • Cross-channel copy
  • Listing profiles
  • Bulk editing
  • Scheduled updates
  • Variations & Tags profiles
  • AI content generation
  • Vela Studio
  • Social share
  • + More

Can I connect multiple shops to the same Vela account?

Definitely! At this point, we support Etsy and Shopify but will be integrating several more channels, and you will always be able to connect as many shops as you like to the same Vela account.

Do I receive a one-week free trial for each shop?

Yes. Users receive a free one-week trial for each new shop connected to their Vela account.

Do I need a separate subscription for each shop?

Yes. Subscriptions are per shop, month-to-month, and can be upgraded or canceled at anytime.

Does Vela offer different plans and prices based on functionality?

No. All users who subscribe receive full access to all functionality.

What determines my subscription price?

Pricing is based on the number of listings in your shop. For Etsy, this is the total number of Active, Draft, and Inactive listings. For Shopify, it’s the total number of Active, Draft, and Archived listings.

What if the number of listings in my shop changes?

The total number of listings in your shop will be assessed every thirty days, and your price for the next month will be based on that amount.